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Class: Sulfide Hardness: 2.5 - 3 Density: 5.5 - 5.8 Streak: Blackish lead-gray Lustre: Dull metallic Habit: Chunky fracture, massive habit. Colours: Blackish lead-gray | | Crystal System: Monoclinic Cleavage: Indistinct Fracture: Conchoidal Magnetism: None Reaction with HCl: None | Identification in hand sample: Black colour with sooty appearance on weathered surfaces and sectile character are distinctive. Bronze-yellow on fresh surfaces. Associations: Found in the supergene-enriched zone of copper-bearing hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Industrial / ecomonic uses: Mined as a source of copper. Comments: A substantial amount of material identified as chalcocite may actually be djurleite (Cu31S16), as they are very commonly intergrown. |