P Y R I T E ( M A S S I V E )
Pyrite (massive)FeS2
Class: Sulfide Hardness: 6 - 6.5 Density: 5.0 Streak: Greenish/brownish black Lustre: Metallic Habit: Fine to medium-grained aggregate. Colours: Bronze-yellow | | Crystal System: Isometric Cleavage: Indistinct Fracture: Conchoidal Magnetism: None Reaction with HCl: Unknown | Identification in hand sample: Colour, hardness, streak and habit are best indicators. Gives off sparks when struck with a hard metal object. Associations: Most common sulfide mineral, almost always present in hydrothermal deposits. Industrial / ecomonic uses: May be used as source of iron or sulfur, but not normally of economic value. |