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Galena mineralization (amongst chalcopyrite and others) (c) Kerry Cupit / John Phipps
Galena mineralization (amongst chalcopyrite and others)
Kerry Cupit / John Phipps

Galena mineralization as light silver-gray colour, with some chalcopyrite in the top-left (c) Kerry Cupit / John Phipps
Galena mineralization as light silver-gray colour, with some chalcopyrite in the top-left
Kerry Cupit / John Phipps

Large-scale galena mineralization.  Note cubic structure and silver-gray colour.
Large-scale galena mineralization. Note cubic structure and silver-gray colour.

Another view of galena's cubic crystalline habit
Another view of galena's cubic crystalline habit

Underside of specimen in previous photos
Underside of specimen in previous photos

(c) Mineral Picture courtesy of www.yuprocks.com
Mineral Picture courtesy of www.yuprocks.com


Class: Sulfide
Hardness: 2.5
Density: 7.6
Streak: Lead gray
Lustre: Metallic
Habit: Excellent cubic cleavage, crystals usually very evident
Colours: Lead gray

  Crystal System: Isometric
Cleavage: Perfect cubic
Fracture: Subconchoidal
Magnetism: None
Reaction with HCl: Weak

Identification in hand sample:
Gives off a rotten-egg smell in HCl, very high SG, very metallic lustre.

Very common in hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Associated with sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, quartz, calcite, fluorite, and/or barite.

Industrial / ecomonic uses:
Main ore from which lead is extracted, also a source of silver.


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