How well do you know your fossils?
Fossil 1.0
Welcome to Fossil 1.0! This site contains all the basic fossils taught in an introductory paleontology course, presented in an easy-to-read format. There are also online quizzes and tests on fossil identification and the geologic time scale.

July 1, 2007: I added 60 new fossil photos today! Also I changed the copyright on the images so that they're more friendly for commercial uses.

If you have any comments or suggestions, !

Fossil of the day:

Middle Devonian to Upper PermianGoniatites
Fossil photo
Class:   Cephalopoda
Genus:      Goniatites

  If you find this website valuable/useful, please consider making a donation to the author. Being an undergraduate is expensive and this website is built and maintained in my spare time!
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